Future research and sport 21st century
Future Research, Futurology, Trends, Megatrends, Sport, Sport Models, Sport 4.0, Fourth Industrial RevolutionAbstract
To understand the changes that are rapidly taking place at the end of the second decade of the 21st century, it is imperative for society to refer to the philosophical, sociological, historical and political perspectives of the developments that have preceded this era, known as the digital economy or the fourth industrial revolution. This requires critical reflection and a scientific insight - future research – as alternatives for establishing relationships, perspectives, possible, probable, preferable and avoidable impacts of events and trends within the rigorousness of basic research, applied research, technical tools and practical knowledge, in a broad time, geographical and social spectrum. This article aims to present a general perspective on future research, its relationship with social practice, fields of action, the differentiation and characterization of conceptual and methodological approaches, applied to the understanding of sport from the conceptual point of view, its process of evolution and differentiation in relation to the development of society, sport models, as well as the changes in the motives and needs of its practice in the twenty-first century.
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