Importance of citizen oversight, monitoring and control the municipal territorial taxation office - Santiago de Cali: communes 14 & 19




Located Municipal Territorial Tax, Public Accounting, Accounting, Annual Operating Plans of Investment (POAI), Development Plan of Communes and Corregimientos, Budget of income and expenses


This research is an analysis of public investment under the citizen oversight approach, observing the pertinence of the Municipal Territorial Taxation Office (SFTM) in the municipality of Cali, communes 14 and 19; where public investments are made to improve people´s life through the redistribution of the State income; having as tools the Annual Operative Plans of Investment (POAI), the Plans of Development of Communes and Corregimientos, the budget of income and the budgetary execution.This work highlights the importance of citizen participation not only as political subjects seeking a solution to the problems of their commune, but also as subjects of change through the citizen oversight in monitoring the SFTM to comply with the deadlines and amounts of the investment, in addition to the relevance of this to improve the quality of life of the community.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Importance of citizen oversight, monitoring and control the municipal territorial taxation office - Santiago de Cali: communes 14 & 19. (2019). LIBRE EMPRESA, 16(1), 79-100.