Perception of mobbing among university students: measurement in three universities in the city of Pereira - Colombia




Workplace harassment, psychological harassment at work, mobbing behaviors, measuring mobbing, university students


The aim of this study was to analyse the prevalence and forms of workplace harassment perceived by university students in the city of Pereira. The sample consisted of 228 participants, belonging to three universities in the city. The self-administered questionnaire Cisneros Barometer, developed by Professor Iñaki Piñuel of the Alcalá de Henares University of Spain, was used to identify the state of violence in the work environment of the organizations, through 43 items that objectify and value conduct psychological harassment periodically. The results show a prevalence of psychological harassment of 25% (52.6% women and 47.4% men). The behaviors that represented the highest frequency are related to harassment strategies that seek job stigmatization (42.8%), overt intimidation (15.9%), slowed progress (14.9%), and blocked communication 4.4%). Vertical harassment is the main form of harassment reported by study participants. The perpetrators of harassing behavior were principally chiefs or supervisors (84.6% on average). A statistically significant association was found between gender and the behaviors of mobbing perceived by the participants, as well as between the rate of mobbing and training on the prevention of this phenomenon


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How to Cite

Perception of mobbing among university students: measurement in three universities in the city of Pereira - Colombia. (2018). LIBRE EMPRESA, 15(2), 163-178.