Cooperative learning for engineering education
Cooperative learning, Autonomous learning, creative thinkingAbstract
The experience of the methodological strategy of cooperative learning is presented in the course of engineering seminar III of the Faculty of Engineering of the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga UNAB; Its purpose is to encourage competition to be a citizen and a professional with a global, entrepreneurial and creative mindset to solve the needs of society. In addition, awaken creativity to identify business opportunities, propose value solutions and design viable business models, using the Canvas methodology. The course has an integral and integrating approach; It combines strategies of autonomous, cooperative and projectbased learning coherent with the ways of learning in the 21st century. Cooperative learning requires a management of learning that includes planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation before, during and after each classroom session, in order to develop the personal, social and intellectual skills of engineering students. Applying cooperative learning, favored students: creativity, flexibility to change and open mind to face challenges; tolerance, cooperation and productivity to achieve the common goal; reflection and critical position to make decisions in the face of situations in its field of action; self-learning, definition and application of creative, analytical and practical thinking; the management of information in a systematic way, oral and written communication.
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