Internal factors affecting the international competitiveness of the port of Buenaventura, Colombia
Competitiveness, incidental factors, globalization, market economyAbstract
The competitiveness as condition, has forced the organizations to be not only more productive, but more consistent and more compromised with the requirements of the market. In fact, in globalization times, every market economy has like premise, to adapt itself locally to compete internationally, and this way to make use of the opportunities that the market ambiences offer. Each seaport in particular must identify the level of impact that certain internal factors may have on their legitimate purpose of achieving the highest levels of competitiveness; This raises questions such as: is the current physical infrastructure modern enough?, does the port have the most suitable qualified staff for this type of negotiations? Do you make good use of ICTs associated with this type of international trade? Is the academy aligned to the required labor needs? In this research, an investigative process was carried out, specifying these critical factors, in order to warn of its impact on international commercial management. It was found that the port of Buenaventura, has the possibility of becoming a development pole of great benefit for Colombia, the achievement of the competitiveness for this port is multifactorial, with factors ranging from the strictly logistical to the social.
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