Tunel carpiano syndrome as musculoskeletic disorders of work origin
Carpal tunnel syndrome, human engineering, occupational healthAbstract
Introduction: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome as an occupational disease is a skeletalmuscle disorder or cumulative trauma, which are lesions that develop gradually over a period of time, as a result of repeated effort in some part of the body during the working day. Objectives: To analyze the bibliographic production related to the labor illness of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and the factors of physical load risks that generate it. Methodology: A bibliographical review, with scientific bases and related studies in the area, will analyze the relationship between the risk factors of physical load and the appearance of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Results: The bibliographical search showed that the factors of risks of physical load such as postures in flexion and extension of fingers, hand and wrist; Ulnar or radial deviation involving pronation grip and combined supination and repetitive movement in a work cycle may lead to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, leading to incapacity for work and absenteeism, negatively impacting the health and safety management system at work In Colombia.
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