T3C Three-dimensional accounting theory (release 2.0)
Developments, progress, and issues raised
Cience, wealth, bio accounting, social accounting, sustainabilityAbstract
T3C Three-dimensional Accounting Theory is a systematic integrating proposal for a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the existence and circulation of environmental, social, and economic wealth under a common and unified, yet differentiating structure of the specificities of the three realities it represents. The design of bio accounting, social accounting, and economic accounting models allow for capturing the specific conditions of each of dimensions in review, but under the umbrella of the unifying concept of wealth. The financial accounting model and systems have been widely accepted and implemented in all jurisdictions. At the same time, environmental and social dimensions of reality have remained concealed in the accounting information reported by organizations or have had an economic approach when they are taken into consideration. T3C develops five components that comprise philosophical, contextual, conceptual, procedural, and validation-related factors that make it possible to develop accounting models and systems that represent environmental, social, and economic wealth for the purpose of contributing to their overall sustainability. This document contains the second version of the proposal, which has been enhanced and improved versus the first version of the theory mentioned above.
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