Corporate social responsibility at the brick manufacturing companies in the municipality of Cartago
Corporate Social Responsibility, Interest Groups, CSR PracticesAbstract
This article provides a review and an analysis of the context of CSR [Corporate Social Responsibility] in the municipality of Cartago, specifically in the brick manufacturing industrial sector and the practices implemented having two specific interest groups in mind (namely, community and environment). This research work was carried out based on a qualitative analysis of organizational data and information and complemented with field work performed in five of the eight brick manufacturing companies in the municipality through the design and administration of in-depth interviews. These interviews made it possible to reach several conclusions, including among others that CSR in Cartago is a relevant issue for the manufacturing industry, but there are no clear guidelines in place that allow linking CSR with organizational strategies. This is the reason that activities and practices are designed and implemented in an isolated fashion and are not documented or communicated to the community.
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