Market orientation and its impact on organizational performance


  • Ricardo Arturo Vega Rodríguez Universidad de Los Andes
  • Sandra Patricia Rojas Berrío Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Market orientation, marketing management, strategic marketing, information management, organizational performance


This article reviews the concept of market orientation and its meaning, proposed models, and impact on organizational performance. It begins by introducing the emergence of the concept and presents two models for which extensive bibliographic literature is available, namely Kohli and Jaworski (MARKOR), and Narver and Slater (MKTOR). Both cases include a description of the model, the validation approach, and the relationship to the performance of the companies being reviewed. It also discusses an adaptation of these models to the Ibero-American context. Next, it provides a number of critical observations of models and results of works that relate market orientation (measured using one of the two models) to company performance from different perspectives. Lastly, it discusses the conclusions and managerial consequences that can be derived from a market-oriented approach.


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How to Cite

Market orientation and its impact on organizational performance. (2011). LIBRE EMPRESA, 8(2), 47-68.