
Principal cities social situation. A social indicator estimates based analysis


  • Álvaro Albán Moreno Universidad Libre
  • Diego García Muñoz Universidad Libre


Social indicators, Demography, Unmet Basic Needs, Inequality, Poverty


The Colombian seven principal cities show a high degree of public service coverage, this can be associated with the solidification of inclusive urbanization processes. The educational level of Colombian citizens is basically concentrated in primary and secondary levels. This situation is also observed in the seven cities. Pereira is the city that registers the highest concentration on these levels: 58% of the sample is in the basic primary or secondary education group. Bogotá have the largest participation in higher education, while Cali (18%) and Pereira (13%) show the lowest participation. The cities with the highest degree of income concentration are Bogotá and Cartagena, while those with the least concentration are Bucaramanga and Pereira. Theil’s inequality coefficient shows that the city with the highest degree of inequality of income is Bogotá, while Pereira and Bucaramanga have the less unequal levels of income.


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How to Cite

Colombia: Principal cities social situation. A social indicator estimates based analysis. (2018). LIBRE EMPRESA, 9(2), 125-146.