Innovation factors that have an impact on the competitiveness of the machinery repair and spare parts subsector in the municipalities of Cali and Yumbo


  • Claudia Patricia Murcia Zorilla Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia


Innovation, competitiveness, repair parts, machinery, metal mechanics


The purpose of the study is to propose improvement for the metal-mechanical subsector of the industrial machinery repair and spare parts activity in the municipalities of Cali and Yumbo, identifying specific needs, thus providing an opportunity for developing new business units or companies which contribute added value. Based on the description of the factors of innovation that affect the regional competitiveness rate, the proposal was designed around development of regional competitiveness in the subsector and of innovation factors connected to productive linking (clustering) in the case of metal mechanics. The OECD [Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development] (1992) indicated that innovation is a fundamental component for the development of competitiveness, and that it can also contribute to equity and growth of regions, thus facilitating the process of development. From the point of view of the enterprises, technological innovation is presented as continuous learning in order to improve processes, products, and management in such as way as to increase their productivity and competitiveness.


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How to Cite

Innovation factors that have an impact on the competitiveness of the machinery repair and spare parts subsector in the municipalities of Cali and Yumbo. (2012). LIBRE EMPRESA, 9(2), 11-124.