Inversión y desarrrollo empresarial. Una descripción teórica para el caso de la industria del Valle del Cauca.
Investment, company decisions, capital stock, panel data modelsAbstract
represented 20% of the gross internal product on the average only, it is possibly the most important component in the added demand of the economy, not only of Colombia, but of any country. Starting from the above-mentioned, it is understood that the capital goods acquired by means of investment have a great impact in the productive capacity of long term of an economy. Moreover, the demand for investment affects the industries that produce this type of goods, and therefore to the employment and the earnings of the workers, not only of this sector, but of the economy in its group. It is for this reason that it is of great interest to analyze the determinants that affect the decision of investing on the part of a company and in that degree to make it that ultimately, it is such a situation the one in charge of impacting in the capital accumulation. The present investigation examines the main theories from the investment to micro-economic level, without forget, macroeconomic aspects that affect this decision. With the intention of contrasting these theories empirically, a model of data panel is considered with the purpose of determining which variables affected the choosing of the investment level on the part of the companies for Colombia from 1995 through 2007. Classification JEL: C23, D21, D92, E22.
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