El gobierno electrónico como estrategia de participación ciudadana en la administración pública en Suramérica. Casos Colombia y Uruguay


  • Sandra Cristina Riascos Universidad del Valle
  • Graciela Martínez Giordano Antel Telecomunicaciones
  • Omar Javier Solano Universidad del Valle


Electronic government, Technologies of information, electronic participation


The transformation of the public administration caused especially by the inclusion of the new technologies of information and communication -TICs has generated a lot of positive and negative aspects for the citizens; among the most innovative reformations that the government has suffered is its immersion in the electronic processes through Internet, giving the electronic government’s appearance as a result (e-government). The present article looks for to present the advances and its respect analysis of the e-government in countries like Colombia and Uruguay, leaving of the expectation of using the e-government as participation strategy in the public administration. It also pretends to evidence the projection from these countries to future in connection with the e-government


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How to Cite

El gobierno electrónico como estrategia de participación ciudadana en la administración pública en Suramérica. Casos Colombia y Uruguay. (2008). LIBRE EMPRESA, 5(1), 143-157. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/libreempresa/article/view/2910