Comparison of commercial management practices in higher education institutions based on the differences between the marketing and admissions managers and the students in the process of choosing a professional career perception*


  • Robert Fabio Ariza Ruiz
  • Sandra Patricia Rojas Berrío
  • Óscar Javier Robayo Pinzón



Services Marketing, Business Management, Higher Education Institutions – HEI, Students, Undergraduate programs, marketing and admission managers, Good Practices, Recruitment activities


This research is aimed to evaluate through the perception of two different points of view, if the good practices of commercial management made and released by Higher Education Institutions (HEI) are related to the choice of a professional career. The research method had an initial phase of observation and collection of information, in order to design a survey with mirror questions that was evaluated, one with both marketing and admission managers of institutions, and the second one with last secondary grade students in the process of choosing a career. The survey yielded results that show that making good commercial management practices, where the potential students can identify tangible attributes like the Institutional Accreditation evaluated in this measurement, are factors that add into the student’s college choice and that generate effective tuition of the admitted students. In addition to these results, it shows that marketing managers of HEI should implement or reinforce good management commercial practices in the field of recruitment of their potential students.


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How to Cite

Comparison of commercial management practices in higher education institutions based on the differences between the marketing and admissions managers and the students in the process of choosing a professional career perception*. (2017). LIBRE EMPRESA, 14(2), 13-31.