How far has authentic assessment gone? Developments through high-stakes and second language assessment


  • Julio César Gómez Universidad Externado de Colombia



authentic assessment, performance assessment, high-stakes testing, second language assessment


Authentic assessment has received considerable attention as a form of assessment that values the learners' use of skills and knowledge to construct new knowledge through tasks that are meaningful and motivating and still depict features of real-life scenarios. This paper reviews efforts to implement this type of assessment as a substitute for multiple-choice standardized testing while also highlighting its challenges in areas such as validity and reliability that prevented this type of assessment from accomplishing this goal. However, the impact of authentic assessment has gradually made its way into classrooms supported by the well-defined frameworks and outcomes of research. Second language instruction and assessment is one area in which this type of assessment has gained interest and further developments have been put forward.


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Como Citar

How far has authentic assessment gone? Developments through high-stakes and second language assessment. (2014). Interacción, 13, 191-198.