Review of sociocultural theory and the mediational function of speaking as an alternative to improve standards in Colombian EFL setting
Interaction, mediation, scaffolding, Zone of Proximal development and internalisation, Sociocultural Theory-Oral SkillResumo
In this paper, I focus on the key concepts that Sociocultural Theory (SCT) can contribute to the understanding of classroom practices in EFL settings. First I will provide the reader with brief background information on the specificities of the Colombian EFL context. Then, I will present what I consider problematic issues in EFL classrooms in Colombia, considering contextual factors and the important improvement that the EFL community has achieved in the last few years. Finally, I will explain how SCT principles and conceptual framework could help understand, analyse and improve the teaching-learning practices and processes, regarding specifically, the development of oral skills of EFL students in tertiary level through task-based activities. Special attention will be given to the view of interaction and to concepts such as mediation, scaffolding. Zone of Proximal development and internalisation.
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