Student desertion, a key factor in high quality education accreditation
Desertion, tracking, retention, permanence, qualityAbstract
When a student leaves her or his studies, it can be for many reasons, the fact is complex and can be analyzed from many perspectives, among others, we can include factors such as: human, economic, political, social and other particularities of the program and the institution. This article describes the situation of desertion from the Elementary Education with emphasis in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports undergraduate program from Free University at Bogotá and, on the other hand, proposes a solution strategy such as monitoring students to analyze and identify more clearly the factors that influence and are involved in dropout rates that allow to plot out a strategy to increase retention rates and allow greater sense of institutional permanence and relevance. The analysis of student dropout allows administrative personnel to view the problem more assertively and to intervene with better foundations, significantly increasing the educational quality of the program.
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