Ongoing project

curricular design for the english extension courses at Universidad Libre, Bogota - Colombia


  • Elba Consuelo León Mora Universidad Libre
  • María Cristina Granada de Córdoba Universidad Libre


Curriculum, English learning, materials design, teachers’ development


This article describes an ongoing research project at the School of Education that started from some needs found at the English Extension Courses, mainly related to the enrichment of the pedagogical competence of its future English teachers and the design and development of a curriculum reflected in educational materials that take into account the Colombian context. At this point, the research group has designed, applied and analyzed some data instruments in order to gather information from students, teachers and administrators of the English Courses. The theoretical framework was built and the educational materials are in construction.


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How to Cite

Ongoing project: curricular design for the english extension courses at Universidad Libre, Bogota - Colombia. (2014). Interacción, 13, 83-97.