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Online Learning, Game-Based Teaching, Inclusion, Engagement, ParticipationAbstract
This paper reports an ongoing project developed within the Faculty of Education at Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. This research was aimed to describe and analyze the impact that game-based teaching produced on students’ engagement and participation in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) class. Participants are 8th-grade students from a private institution in Bogota, Colombia. The information was gathered by different means of inquiry such as literature research, teacher’s surveys, researcher’s observations, and field notes. Likewise, the analysis was performed employing the principles of axial codification, a rigorous examination was done to set categories and recurrent patterns for axial codification. The first phase of this research was focused on identifying the learner’s participation patterns before following the game-based model. Later on to examine how learners perceived and adapted to game-based instruction. Consequently, its impact on pupils’ engagement throughout the EFL class. Therefore, an analysis was conducted to explore insights of what literature had identified as participation patterns, student engagement, game-based teaching, online teaching, and inclusion. Initial findings disclosed that eighth-graders felt more comfortable when learning through the game-based model in the online setting which contributed to a growth in participation and engagement in the EFL class.
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