Financial indicators and universal banking system in Venezuela


  • Rolando Eslava Zapata Universidad de Los Andes
  • Edixon Chacón Guerrero Universidad de Los Andes
  • Hilário Alonso Gonzalez Júnior Universidad de Los Andes



Financial analysis, universal banking, eonomic and financial situ- ation


The objective of this paper is to analyze the economic and financial situation of the Universal Banking in Venezuela, to give a broad and systematized view of the effect that has had on this the international financial crisis that has affected this sector for approximately 6 years. In order to achieve the above objective, it was proposed, firstly, to locate the main financial indicators and accounting information of the companies analyzed, and then to determine their behavior. Subsequently, the indicators will be analyzed, beyond their formal concepts, in order to study their behavior and obtain evidence that explains the economic reality of the banking sector. Finally, the conclusion was that the abrupt changes caused by the global financial crisis affected, in a significant way, the financial results obtained by the companies in this sector and a tendency of the indicators towards a lesser competitiveness was observed, as well as a Greater regulation of the State to avoid imbalances that affect the financial activity.


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2017-06-01 — Updated on 2022-06-29
