¿Qué tipo de relación existe entre derecho y desarrollo?
Palabras clave:
Derecho y desarrollo, Derecho y economía, Teoría de la modernización, Instrumentalismo jurídicoResumen
El presente artículo indaga sobre la relación entre derecho y desarrollo visto este tanto en clave económica como en un sentido más amplio. De manera concreta busca identificar los distintos enfoques que han analizado qué tipo de relación existe entre las variables antes indicadas. Se sostendrá que dichos análisis van desde aquellas lecturas que sostienen una dependencia del desarrollo respecto del derecho, hasta los que ventilan la existencia de una interdependencia. En una segunda parte, el texto indaga por la fundamentación empírica e histórica de la relación en mención.
Los datos de descarga aún no están disponibles.
Aron, Janine. “Growth and Institutions: A Review of the evidence”. En: World Bank Research Observer. No 15, 2000
Banco Mundial. “Doorways to Judicial Reform”. Disponible en la página web: www.worldbank.org/legal/legop-judicial.htm Visitada 3-04-10;
Barro, Robert. “Democracy, Rule of Law and Economic Performance”. En: Index of Economic Freedom, 2001.
Bertin, Hugo Darío. Subdesarrollo, Juridicidad y Anomia.(Comentario al libro de Carlos Nino, Un País al Margen de la Ley. Estudio de la anomia como componente del subdesarrollo argentino. en Desarrollo Económico. Vol 36, No. 143 ( octubre-diciembre, 1996)
Bondzi-Simpson, Ebow. The Law and Economic Development in the Third World. Greenwood Publishing Group. Abril, 1992.
Carothers, Thoma. “The many agendas of Rule of Law Reform in Latin America”. Paper presentado en la la conferencia internacional IGOS, NGOs and Rule of Law Construction: Some issues in Judicial Reform in Latin America. Institute for Latin American Studies. University of London. Noviembre, 1999.
Cotterrell, George. The Rule of law in Transition: Revisiting Franz Neummann`s Sociology of Legality. En: Socio Legal Studies. An International Journal. Vol 5. Number 4. London, Dec. 1996.
Daintith, Terence. Law as Instrument of Economic Policy: Comparative and Critical Perspectives. Berlin: Walter Gruyter, 1988.
Davis, Kevin. What can the Rule of Law variable tell us about the rule of law reforms?. Documento disponible en internet www.nyu.edu/fas/institute/dri/DRIWP14.pdf Visitado el 23 de diciembre de 2009.
Edwald, Willian: Comparative Jurisprudence II: The logic of legal transplants. En: The American Journal of Comparative Law. Vol. 43, 1995.
Elster, Jon. El impacto de las Constituciones en el desempeño económico. En: Proceedings of the World Bank Annual conference of development economics. 1994.
Faundez, Julio. Good Goverment and Law: Legal and institutional reform in developing countries. St Martin Press. 1997.
Franck, Thomas. Can american Law and legal institutions help developing countries? Thomas Franck. Wisconsin Law Review, 1972.
Garth B y Dezalaya. Law, Lawyers and Social Capital: 'Rule of Law' Vs Relational Capitalism. En: Sociolegal Studies. Vol 6. London, 1997.
Glaeser et al. Do Institutions Cause Growth? National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper. Disponible en internet: http://www.nber.org/papers/W10568 Visitado el 13 de enero de 2005.
Gray, Cheryl W. “La reforma de los sistemas jurídicos en los países en desarrollo y en transición en finanzas y
desarrollo”. Septiembre de 1997.
International Legal Center. Law and Development, the future of Law and Development Research. USA, 1974.
Jones, Carol. “Capitalism, Globalization and rule of law: An Alternative Trajectory of Legal Change in China”. En: Socio Legal Estudies. Vol. 3 Number 2. Junio 1994, Cambridge.
Kanishka Jayasuriya. The Rule of Law and capitalism in East Asia. En: Pacific Review. Vol. 9 No. 3, 1996.
Kaufmman D et al. “Governance Matters”. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper. Disponible en Internet. http://www.worldbank.org/wbi/governance/pdf/govmatrs.pdf Visitado el 19 de Enero de 2005.
Kirchner, Christian. Interacción entre orden económico y orden jurídico con especial consideración de la nueva economía institucional. En: Contribuciones. Revista Ciedla. Lima: Fundacion Konrad Adenauer, 1998.
Konz, Peider. The UNDP Justice Programme in Latin America and the Caribbean: Areas of Intervention. Paper presentado en la la conferencia internacional IGOS, NGOs and Rule of Law Construction: Some issues in Judicial Reform in Latin America. Institute for Latin American Studies. University of London.
Kulcsar, Kalman. Modernization and Law. Budapest: Ed. Ademiai Kiado, 1992.
McAuslan, Patrick. Law, governance and the development of the market: practical problems and possible solutions. En: Good Goverment and Law. 1997
Merryman, John Henry. Comparative Law and Social Change: On the origins, style, decline & revival of the Law and development movement en Comparative Law and Social Change.
Messick, Richard. Judicial Reform: A survey of the Issues. Washington: World Bank Observer, 1999.
North, Douglas C. Instituciones, cambio institucional y desempeño económico. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1993; Institutions and Credible Commitment. En: Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE) 149/1 11- 23(1984); Estructura y Cambio en la historia económica. Madrid: Ed Alianza Universidad.
Paliwala y Adelman. Law and crisis in the third world: African Discourse. Series 4. 1994. London.
Perry, J Amanda. International Economic Organizations and the Modern Law and Development Movement. En: Seidman, Robert y Seidman, Ann: Making Development Work: Legislative Reform for Institutional Transformation and Good Governance. Kluwer Law International. 1999.
Pistor, Katharina y Wellons, Philips. The Role of Law and Legal Institutions in Asian Economic Development. Página web Banco Asiático de Desarrollo. www.adb.org Visitada 20-03-00
Posner, Richard. Legal Development and legal infraestructure. En: The World Bank Research Observer. Vol .13 No. 1. Feb. 1998.
Sawers, Tim et. al. “Revitalizing the Law and Development Movement: A case study of title in Thailand”. Harvard International Law Journal. Vol. 33. 1992.
Salas, Luís. “From Law and Development to Rule of Law: New and Old issues in justice reform in Latin America”. Paper presentado en la la conferencia internacional IGOS, NGOs and Rule of Law Construction: Some issues in Judicial Reform in Latin America. Institute for Latin American Studies. University of London 1999.
Snack, Stephen. Governance and Growth: Measurement and Evidence. Documento presentado en la serie de foros “On the role of institutions in promoting growth”. Washington, 25 de febrero de 2002.
Seidman, Ann y Robert. Making Development Work: Legislative Reform for Institutional Transformation and Good Governance. Kluwer Law International. 1999.
Seidman, Robert. Law and Development: A general Model. En: Law and Society Review. Febrero de 1972.
Sindzingre, Alice. “Institutions and Economic Development: a theoretical contribution”. Centre National de le Recherché Scientifique Working Paper, diciembre de 2003.
Shihata, Ibrahim. La Reforma Judicial en los países en desarrollo y el papel del Banco Mundial en Justicia y Desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe. BID, Washington, 1993
Swedberg R. The Economy and Law. En: Max Weber and the idea of economic sociology. Princenton Press, 1998.
Tamanaha, Bryan. The lessons of law and development studies. En: American Journal of Internactional Law. Vol. 89, 1995.
Thome, Joseph. Comments en McAuslan Patrick: Law, governance and the development of the market: practical problems and possible solutions. En: Good Goverment and Law. 1997.
Treblicock, Michael y Davids, William. What role do legal institucions play in development, version online. Págnia FMI www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/seminar Visitada 19-03-00
Trubek, David. Law and development: Then and now. Versión Borrador. 1996.
__________ Toward a Social Theory of Law: an essay on the study of law and development. En: Yale Law Journal. Vol. 4, 1972.
Tshuma, Lawrence. The Political Economy of The World Bank`s Legal Framework for Economic Development. En: Social & Legal Studies. Vol. 8, No. 1, 1999.
Voigt, Stefan.“Making constitutions work: conditionsfor maintatining the rule of Law”. En: Cato Journal. Vol. 18.
Waelde, Thomas y Gunderson, James. Legislative Reform in Transition Economies: Western Transplants. A short cut to social market economic status? En: International and comparative Law Quarterly. Vol. 43. Abril de 1994.
Web, Douglas. Legal system Reform and private sector development in Developing Countries. En: Making Development Work.
Weber, Max. Economía y Sociedad. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1986.
Weder, Beatrice. “Legal systems and economic performance: The empirical evidence”. En: World Bank Judicial Reform. 1995.
Weder, B. y Brunnetti, A. Economic Growth with “incredible” rules. Evidence from a world wide private sector survey. Working Paper del Banco Mundial. Disponible en Internet. www.worldbank.org/html/dec/Publications/Workpapers/WPS1700series/wps1760/wps1760.pdf
Banco Mundial. “Doorways to Judicial Reform”. Disponible en la página web: www.worldbank.org/legal/legop-judicial.htm Visitada 3-04-10;
Barro, Robert. “Democracy, Rule of Law and Economic Performance”. En: Index of Economic Freedom, 2001.
Bertin, Hugo Darío. Subdesarrollo, Juridicidad y Anomia.(Comentario al libro de Carlos Nino, Un País al Margen de la Ley. Estudio de la anomia como componente del subdesarrollo argentino. en Desarrollo Económico. Vol 36, No. 143 ( octubre-diciembre, 1996)
Bondzi-Simpson, Ebow. The Law and Economic Development in the Third World. Greenwood Publishing Group. Abril, 1992.
Carothers, Thoma. “The many agendas of Rule of Law Reform in Latin America”. Paper presentado en la la conferencia internacional IGOS, NGOs and Rule of Law Construction: Some issues in Judicial Reform in Latin America. Institute for Latin American Studies. University of London. Noviembre, 1999.
Cotterrell, George. The Rule of law in Transition: Revisiting Franz Neummann`s Sociology of Legality. En: Socio Legal Studies. An International Journal. Vol 5. Number 4. London, Dec. 1996.
Daintith, Terence. Law as Instrument of Economic Policy: Comparative and Critical Perspectives. Berlin: Walter Gruyter, 1988.
Davis, Kevin. What can the Rule of Law variable tell us about the rule of law reforms?. Documento disponible en internet www.nyu.edu/fas/institute/dri/DRIWP14.pdf Visitado el 23 de diciembre de 2009.
Edwald, Willian: Comparative Jurisprudence II: The logic of legal transplants. En: The American Journal of Comparative Law. Vol. 43, 1995.
Elster, Jon. El impacto de las Constituciones en el desempeño económico. En: Proceedings of the World Bank Annual conference of development economics. 1994.
Faundez, Julio. Good Goverment and Law: Legal and institutional reform in developing countries. St Martin Press. 1997.
Franck, Thomas. Can american Law and legal institutions help developing countries? Thomas Franck. Wisconsin Law Review, 1972.
Garth B y Dezalaya. Law, Lawyers and Social Capital: 'Rule of Law' Vs Relational Capitalism. En: Sociolegal Studies. Vol 6. London, 1997.
Glaeser et al. Do Institutions Cause Growth? National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper. Disponible en internet: http://www.nber.org/papers/W10568 Visitado el 13 de enero de 2005.
Gray, Cheryl W. “La reforma de los sistemas jurídicos en los países en desarrollo y en transición en finanzas y
desarrollo”. Septiembre de 1997.
International Legal Center. Law and Development, the future of Law and Development Research. USA, 1974.
Jones, Carol. “Capitalism, Globalization and rule of law: An Alternative Trajectory of Legal Change in China”. En: Socio Legal Estudies. Vol. 3 Number 2. Junio 1994, Cambridge.
Kanishka Jayasuriya. The Rule of Law and capitalism in East Asia. En: Pacific Review. Vol. 9 No. 3, 1996.
Kaufmman D et al. “Governance Matters”. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper. Disponible en Internet. http://www.worldbank.org/wbi/governance/pdf/govmatrs.pdf Visitado el 19 de Enero de 2005.
Kirchner, Christian. Interacción entre orden económico y orden jurídico con especial consideración de la nueva economía institucional. En: Contribuciones. Revista Ciedla. Lima: Fundacion Konrad Adenauer, 1998.
Konz, Peider. The UNDP Justice Programme in Latin America and the Caribbean: Areas of Intervention. Paper presentado en la la conferencia internacional IGOS, NGOs and Rule of Law Construction: Some issues in Judicial Reform in Latin America. Institute for Latin American Studies. University of London.
Kulcsar, Kalman. Modernization and Law. Budapest: Ed. Ademiai Kiado, 1992.
McAuslan, Patrick. Law, governance and the development of the market: practical problems and possible solutions. En: Good Goverment and Law. 1997
Merryman, John Henry. Comparative Law and Social Change: On the origins, style, decline & revival of the Law and development movement en Comparative Law and Social Change.
Messick, Richard. Judicial Reform: A survey of the Issues. Washington: World Bank Observer, 1999.
North, Douglas C. Instituciones, cambio institucional y desempeño económico. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1993; Institutions and Credible Commitment. En: Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE) 149/1 11- 23(1984); Estructura y Cambio en la historia económica. Madrid: Ed Alianza Universidad.
Paliwala y Adelman. Law and crisis in the third world: African Discourse. Series 4. 1994. London.
Perry, J Amanda. International Economic Organizations and the Modern Law and Development Movement. En: Seidman, Robert y Seidman, Ann: Making Development Work: Legislative Reform for Institutional Transformation and Good Governance. Kluwer Law International. 1999.
Pistor, Katharina y Wellons, Philips. The Role of Law and Legal Institutions in Asian Economic Development. Página web Banco Asiático de Desarrollo. www.adb.org Visitada 20-03-00
Posner, Richard. Legal Development and legal infraestructure. En: The World Bank Research Observer. Vol .13 No. 1. Feb. 1998.
Sawers, Tim et. al. “Revitalizing the Law and Development Movement: A case study of title in Thailand”. Harvard International Law Journal. Vol. 33. 1992.
Salas, Luís. “From Law and Development to Rule of Law: New and Old issues in justice reform in Latin America”. Paper presentado en la la conferencia internacional IGOS, NGOs and Rule of Law Construction: Some issues in Judicial Reform in Latin America. Institute for Latin American Studies. University of London 1999.
Snack, Stephen. Governance and Growth: Measurement and Evidence. Documento presentado en la serie de foros “On the role of institutions in promoting growth”. Washington, 25 de febrero de 2002.
Seidman, Ann y Robert. Making Development Work: Legislative Reform for Institutional Transformation and Good Governance. Kluwer Law International. 1999.
Seidman, Robert. Law and Development: A general Model. En: Law and Society Review. Febrero de 1972.
Sindzingre, Alice. “Institutions and Economic Development: a theoretical contribution”. Centre National de le Recherché Scientifique Working Paper, diciembre de 2003.
Shihata, Ibrahim. La Reforma Judicial en los países en desarrollo y el papel del Banco Mundial en Justicia y Desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe. BID, Washington, 1993
Swedberg R. The Economy and Law. En: Max Weber and the idea of economic sociology. Princenton Press, 1998.
Tamanaha, Bryan. The lessons of law and development studies. En: American Journal of Internactional Law. Vol. 89, 1995.
Thome, Joseph. Comments en McAuslan Patrick: Law, governance and the development of the market: practical problems and possible solutions. En: Good Goverment and Law. 1997.
Treblicock, Michael y Davids, William. What role do legal institucions play in development, version online. Págnia FMI www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/seminar Visitada 19-03-00
Trubek, David. Law and development: Then and now. Versión Borrador. 1996.
__________ Toward a Social Theory of Law: an essay on the study of law and development. En: Yale Law Journal. Vol. 4, 1972.
Tshuma, Lawrence. The Political Economy of The World Bank`s Legal Framework for Economic Development. En: Social & Legal Studies. Vol. 8, No. 1, 1999.
Voigt, Stefan.“Making constitutions work: conditionsfor maintatining the rule of Law”. En: Cato Journal. Vol. 18.
Waelde, Thomas y Gunderson, James. Legislative Reform in Transition Economies: Western Transplants. A short cut to social market economic status? En: International and comparative Law Quarterly. Vol. 43. Abril de 1994.
Web, Douglas. Legal system Reform and private sector development in Developing Countries. En: Making Development Work.
Weber, Max. Economía y Sociedad. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1986.
Weder, Beatrice. “Legal systems and economic performance: The empirical evidence”. En: World Bank Judicial Reform. 1995.
Weder, B. y Brunnetti, A. Economic Growth with “incredible” rules. Evidence from a world wide private sector survey. Working Paper del Banco Mundial. Disponible en Internet. www.worldbank.org/html/dec/Publications/Workpapers/WPS1700series/wps1760/wps1760.pdf
Cómo citar
¿Qué tipo de relación existe entre derecho y desarrollo?. (2010). Diálogos De Saberes, 32, 59-75. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/dialogos/article/view/1933