
master key to apply humanistic and altruistic values in childcare


  • Karina Gallardo S. Universidad Mariana de Pasto
  • Gloria Maya P Universidad Mariana de Pasto
  • Martha Lucia Vásquez Universidad del Valle


human care, pediatrics nursing, qualitative research


Objective: To describe the application of some factors like inculcating faith-hope, the development of an aidconfidence relationship, and acceptance of the expression of positive and negative feelings in the care offered by nursing professionals to hospitalized children. Methodology: The phenomenology was used because it helps people relate their experiences as they are lived. In-depth interviews were used to gather information. Six nursing professionals in charge of hospitalization services were interviewed until obtaining the saturation of information. Findings: Three themes were identified: Faith and hope as syncretism in child recovery; sensing the deficiencies of others: a way of fomenting aid and confidence, and, finally, attitude as a bridge to facilitate the expression of positive and negative feelings. Communication was the dynamic axis in the themes, given that it helped nursing professionals get to know the phenomenological conception of their world allowing them to understand their behavior and emotional reactions. Conclusion: The participants recognize how affection, dialogue with simple language and the capacity to listen, among others, helps them in the execution of care while contributing to health recovery of hospitalized children.


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How to Cite

Communication: master key to apply humanistic and altruistic values in childcare. (2011). Cultura, 8(1), 05-16.