Protocolo para la creación de empresas comerciales, industriales y de servicios
Business, business plan, legal person, natural person, partnership, protocolAbstract
Entrepreneurs willing to create company does not have sufficient knowledge and training in this area and most, fear of failure tends to choose to become employees, leaving the idea to create or innovate and become great leaders who promote the development of the region. The aim of this study is to determine a protocol for creating business in South Santander, based on offering a guide of all the requirements and legal, accounting, finance and administration for the creation of a company. The methodology used is descriptive because depending on a small sample that was taken in the town of Socorro, the company Creation process is described. As a result, it was found that the municipality of Socorro has an excellent setting to start a company, being a region that is organizing its own structures, and is in a process of modernization and technological investment, wealth and sagacity of his human talent. Concluding that the creation of a company requires advance planning, as they need to have clear steps to not make any mistakes and contribute to the business development in the region.
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