Codificar la legislación ambiental
El reto del milenio
Coherence, constitutional guarantees, environmental rights communities, unification, systematic natureAbstract
The problem plasma in treating to establish ¿Which is the efficiency of the Colombian environmental rule applied of discretionary way without the rigour of the sistematicidad juridical correlacionada, unified and coherent?, With the aim to Establish the structure and integration of the norms, procedures, strategies and institutions of the system the observation, that develops an approximation and a construction of knowledge with foundation in concepts (Sistematicidad of the Right, transversalidad of the Environmental Right, Block of Constitutionality, special Jurisdiction, Juridical Legislation and environmental Right.) It concludes then that a solution to the problematic national, local, regional generated by the discrecionalidad and dispersion of norms poses the unification of the agricultural sector, miner and environmental in an alone legal system, environmental substantial code that consecrate conceptual appearances, technicians, the minima and maximum permissible standards of use, aprovechamiento and exploitation of the renewable natural resources and no renewable as well as the environmental economic assessment of the costs of the offer and the demand of goods and environmental services.
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