El caos de la transición de la dirección en pymes familiares
Culture, Family business, succession, ValuesAbstract
The article shows that the heart of the culture in the family bussines is the same family, living system that is to produce results and to train, encourage and strengthen their members to continue with that goal, considering the vision, values and culture, deep feelings recovering community, such as dignity and love with in organizations, without visible connections forces that influence employee behavior. Indicated that the family council shall be the governing body to be irradiated culture throughout the organization, while the protocol family must wrap the Business, Property, the Management and the Family, being a dynamic document as the family firm accumulates experience and market activities, culture does change over time depending on the evolution and development of the corporate purpose of the company, where continuity of leadership and perseverance contribute to the success of the family organization, reducing the chaos in family SMEs.
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