La protección integral del menor, como paradigma de la prevención punitiva (2012-2013)
Illegal behavior, Educational measure, Punitive prevention, Comprehensive protection, MinorAbstract
The current Colombian Criminal law enshrines adolescents as active subjects of criminal offenses and custodial sanctions. Objective to establish in the area of crime prevention minors awareness of their responsibility and the sanctions to be imposed by the Colombian penal code. Methodology: Descriptive research, inductive-d e d u c t i v e t h e o r e t i c a l m e t h o d o f " L e g a l Partner"approach Results: To raise awareness and inform about the knowledge of the unlawful conduct and the imposition of penalties on minors that integrate academic communities: Universitary Del Socorro CUS, Avellino Moreno COAM, Military General Santander COLIMIL, e Institute Technologic Industrial 'Monsignor Carlos Ardila García' ITIS. Conclusions: Applying meaningful learning was basic knowledge of prevention of criminal behavior to a part of the academic communities they sensitize people on the occasion and peaceful coexistence, peace classrooms and seeds. The criminal behavior of this child should be treated with the character regards to "Special Liability", since the punitive means arising from the need to reeducate the child through psychopedagogical instruments, but as a last measure is deprived of freedom with preventive internment.t.
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