Prediction of mortality in sepsis: Application of qSOFA in patients treated at an institution in Barranquilla
Sepsis, Septic shock , SIRS, Mortality , Lactic Acid, biomarkers, (Source: MeSH, NLM)Abstract
Objective: To evaluate the prediction of mortality using the qSOFA scale and other clinical indicators in patients with sepsis, in the intensive care unit in a health institution of the public network of the City of Barranquilla, between July 2020 and February 2021. Methods: An analytical, longitudinal, prospective study was conducted. With the information obtained, the database was performed in Excel, and then, an univariate and multivariate analysis to describe the best predictor of mortality in sepsis. Results: Of 101 cases, 82% (n=83) had septic shock, the most common presentation in males with 61% (n=64), with a greater frequency of socioeconomic stratum 1, most of them were sepsis acquired in community 81% (n=85), with a Charlson comorbidity index of 3.4 ± 3.0. Serial measurements of lactate and CRP had no statistically significant relationship with mortality. The value of q-SOFA presented a statistically significant association with mortality (p < 0.05), high q-SOFA values have twice the risk of death (OR = 2.16; 95% CI = 1.08 – 4.33). Sensitivity of 68.6% and specificity of 48.4%, PPV of 76% and VPN of 34.37% Conclusion: The qSOFA score was found to be the best predictor of mortality in sepsis compared to SIRS, SOFA, PCR and Lactate.
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