Model to assess the psicoprofesionales skills of physucuans applicants medical-surgical specializations


  • Gustavo De la Hoz Herrera Universidad Libre



Competences psicoprofesionales, Postgraduate coordinators, Residents, 16 PF


This study validates a methodology for assessing the mastery of the psicoprofesionales skills of the physicians aspiring medical-surgical specializations of the Universidad Libre Seccional Barranquilla. We performed a descrip- tive study by applying the 16 PF to 118 physicians, the results were grouped in four competencies: ethical, social, intellectual and emotional. All demonstrated ethical competences, pediatric residents lack social skills, gynecology residents lack emotional skills and surgery residents do not have intelectual, social and emotional skills. There is a high prevalence of single physicians and males (55%), and 41.6% are in the age range 27 to 29 years old, which is associated with that 66% are under 6 years of professional experience. 35% reside in socioeconomic level 4 and 64.4% are graduates of the Universidad Libre. In conclusion, the methodology used has good validity and reliability.


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How to Cite

Model to assess the psicoprofesionales skills of physucuans applicants medical-surgical specializations. (2011). Biociencias, 6(1), 53-59.