Los procesos de innovación empresarial de las PYME desde la perspectiva de los modelos de diagnostico. Un estuidio de caso


  • Nelson Orlando Alarcón Villamil Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores
  • Melva Inés Gómez Caicedo Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores


lnnovation, associativity, inable management, competitiveness, Pyme


This case study presents an analysis of the contributions that the model lndicators of Sustainable Management and Partnerships (MIGSA) can result in the development of business innovation processes in SMEs, since it is a tool through which identify the factors that require actions to improve productive activity. The methodology is based on a descriptive and explanatory analysis of the properties of MIGSA and its relation to business innovation processes, one of the factors of competitiveness in which the model is based. The results presented were obtained through the application of MIGSA in a hotel in Bogota, during two distinct phases - a period unlike a year and a half. In the first stage, it was concluded that the main factors that influenced the loss or lack of business innovation processes, were the lack of activities for knowledge management, community care, use of technology applied to the improvement of activities, actions aimed at improving marketing and associative practices. In the second, we can consider that the organization took the information to optimize their management, and that model is a tool that allows improved interna! and externa! organizations that benefit their business.


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How to Cite

Alarcón Villamil, N. O., & Gómez Caicedo, M. I. (2018). Los procesos de innovación empresarial de las PYME desde la perspectiva de los modelos de diagnostico. Un estuidio de caso. Perfiles Gerenciales. El Ser Humano detrás Del Empresario, 5(2), 25-33. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/per_ger_humano/article/view/4501