The structural cognitive modifiability and its role in social anxiety affecting oral work in English


  • Mauricio Esteban Buitrago Universidad Libre
  • Ángela Viviana Castro Universidad Libre
  • Jheimy Andrea Herrera Pinzón Universidad Libre


Social anxiety, cognitive structural modifiability, oral production, pedagogical intervention


This article reports the results of an investigation carried out with a group of students in basic primary education from a public school in Bogota. This qualitative study is a quasi-experimental design seeking to analyze the relationship between social anxieties and cognitive processes of change (Watson and Lindfren, 1991) affecting spoken English and the teaching-learning process. Thus, the test of Diagnostic and the Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DMS), designed and validated by the American Psychiatric Association, is used to determine the level of social anxiety present in the students participating in the study. At the time , an educational intervention was proposed and developed, based on the theory of Structural Cognitive Modifiability (SCM ) proposed by Feuerstein ( 1990), attempts to modify the levels of social anxiety revealed in the test, on the theory of Structural Cognitive Modifiability (SCM), a proposal by Feuerstein (1990), in an attempt to modify the levels of social anxiety revealed in the test, thus favoring the oral speaking of the students. The results of the study indicate that although the intervention did not lead to significant reductions in the level of social anxiety within the experimental group versus the control group; it was generated in the first group, a movement towards a level of slight social anxiety which favored their spoken English.


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How to Cite

The structural cognitive modifiability and its role in social anxiety affecting oral work in English. (2014). Interacción, 10, 95-106.