English language learning process through digital tools


  • Alex Martínez Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Valentina Cadena Universidad Nacional de Colombia




Social media, Learning strategies, English, Digital tools


According to Vivian Cook (1999), learning a second language makes the learning process more flexible and widens its cognitive capabilities, and also leads to a better attitude of interaction with other cultures.

This research article explores new strategies for teaching and learning a foreign language through digital media. The adaptation of educational methods to the current context is of great relevance for a dynamic and interesting pedagogy for students, therefore, this research aims to recognize contemporary learning sources, such as social networks, websites and podcasts, among others; with special emphasis on social networks and applications, highlighting their usefulness for educational and academic purposes, and recognizing in turn the advantages that these tools can offer both students and teachers. It also seeks to characterize these resources and reveal how they can change the learning environment, improving the processes of teaching and knowledge acquisition with methods that are attractive to learners; finally, it seeks to determine the impact and importance of these new strategies in the education of the XXI century. For the development of this article, a process of collection and selection of documents was carried out, which provided the basis for the support and validation of the ideas put forward by the researchers. The initial findings show that it is important to take steps in the advancement of teaching as an essential means for learning, adapting and accepting the changes that may occur as the world transforms; however, the obstacles or problems in the process of adapting the new tools, are factors that must be taken into account for the implementation of educational methods that leave the traditional schemes.


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