Characterization of the national bilingualism program in the last cinco years (an students’ perceptions approach)
National Bilingualism Program, EFL, MotivationAbstract
Learning a foreign language, more specifically English, was one of the main areas to improve from the Colombian governments in the last years based on the impact of this language in the modern world (MEN, 2006). Taking this into account, they have been implementing different programs in order to improve the proficiency level of the Students in this language, like the National Plan of Bilingualism in 2004. Up until now, diverse research was done to test the efficacy of these strategies from a methodological, economic, cultural or political perspective, leading to different opinions, critics and advices in order to enhance the strategies of the program; but very few of the previous ones considered the personal experiences and perceptions of the students in this program. This is the reason why this documentary research seeks to analyze the implementation from the National Program of Bilingualism in the last five years, comparing what was expected in the plan with what was seen in reality by former researchers and the perceptions from the students that were studying during the project. The data is gathered through the analysis of precedent investigations, official government documents, national test (Pruebas saber 11) result reports and a poll considering some basic conditions of quality established in the 3870 decree of 2006 to look for personal experiences from the students. The results from this investigation show a new point of view of the problematic, as well as new errors or specific issues to analyze and directly address in order to create a better new program.
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