Educational Consequences Of Adhd In Students From A Public University In Colombia


  • Santiago Ballén Sepúlveda Universidad Libre



ADHD, Inattention, Hyperactivity, Inclusive education


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a pattern of inattention and hyperactivity and its symptoms affect the daily life of people who suffer from it. One of the aspects that it affects is education, since its symptoms make certain mental processes necessary for traditional education harder. In order to understand the effects of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, it is necessary to delve into two parts: symptoms and treatment. The symptomatology is divided into inattention and hyperactivity, and the treatment is mainly carried out with drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin, which have a very large load on the brain and the body. Despite the consequences that ADHD has on the educational process, the amount of research or policies for the inclusion of people with this pattern is very low. In Colombia, the educational inclusion of disabled people has been of great magnitude in recent years. The Ministry of National Education issued a decree in 2017 to regulate this inclusion. The National University of Colombia also regulates the inclusion of disabled people. This article is a documentary research, whose objective is to analyze the implementation of the regulation of inclusive education in Colombia, specifically in the National University of Colombia, Bogota campus. The information was collected from digital repositories. The analysis of the information demonstrated that the regulations are implemented and in the university there are multiple strategies for the inclusion of the students with ADHD, nevertheless there is a lack of investigations regarding the effectiveness of these.


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