Formulation of environmental strategies from the corporate footprint in the company sudelec S.A.


  • Laura Daniela Torres Buitrago Universidad Libre
  • Federico Smith González Universidad Libre
  • Astrid del Socorro Altamar Consuegra Universidad Libre



Greenhouse gases, Carbon footprint, Mitigation, Cleaner production, Environmental management, Environmental strategies


The total estimated direct GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions from the manufacturing industry in Colombia during 2014 are 236,973 Gg of CO2e in Colombia (IDEAM y PNUD, 2018). where the city of Bogotá contributes 12 % of these emissions. During the last years, different studies have been carried out to collect information about the nature of GHG emissions, but none of these highlighting the benefits of the voluntary reporting of the corporate carbon footprint. From this, the present study arises focused on the formulation of environmental strategies for Sudelec S.A, a company that produces household and gas appliances in the city of Bogotá. The analysis is carried out throughout the production process from reception and transportation of raw material to delivery to the client by using the guide for organizational inventories of greenhouse gas emissions developed by the Environmental Business Corporation - CAEM, strategies of prevention, mitigation and compensation considering the results found. The study period was focused on the years 2017, 2018, 2019, finding results of 564.66 t CO2e, 650.85 t CO2e and 710.24 t CO2e respectively, coming mainly from direct emission sources that correspond to the standard scope 1, which is the largest contributor of t CO2e, representing 78% on average. This is attributed to the consumption of fossil fuels and generic natural gas. As a strategy to compensate for the carbon footprint, the planting of Quercus humboldtii (Andean oak) is proposed.


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