Elaboration of coupons in low carbon steel, through electric arc welding process with manual electrode coated, with induced defects and inspected by visual methods and penetrating inks


  • Óscar Iván Duque Díaz Universidad Libre
  • Ángel René Benítez Bohórquez Universidad Libre




Welding, didactic material, Arc welding process Electric with coated electrode (SMAW), Weldability, welded joint design, process variables, welding defects



Welding is a technique for joining metal components, which has become one of the most used procedures in the shaping of parts or elements used in the manufacture of structures, ducts, machines, equipment and in general accessories with which it can ostensibly improve the quality of life of man. The generation by welding of a resistant, durable union that guarantees a high degree of safety, offering a good finish of the assembly, made at low costs, besides offering a wide variety of production factors, has made the welding processes take a Relevant position in the quality of the metalworking industry.

In order to meet the demands that the industry is subject to every day, it is necessary to train trained welders with job skills that allow them to become certified and participate in efficient processes in terms of quality and competitiveness.

As a contribution to this training need, this project aims to develop a didactic material, through which an appropriate design of a welded joint is presented along with the process variables, demonstrating its weldability; Starting from these parameters, the conditions in the current intensity contributed to induce defects in welded coupons in low carbon steel plate, by means of electric arc welding process with coated electrode (SMAW).

The aim is to provide technical information and guidance to apprentices and instructors of the training programs in "plating welding with the electro-coated electrode process (SMAW)" developed in the SENA Industrial Center and Industrial Development of Soacha; This will stimulate the apprentice's reflection on planning in the development of welding projects and provide the sources that may motivate this reflection and how to introduce improvements in its own process of training and appropriation of new technologies.


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