Analysis of the perception of Azzorti's commercial advisors of the Azzorti brand in Colombia: A polarity analysis methodological approach using the Vader Algorithm


  • kevin sepulveda sepulveda specialization student
  • Diego Romero specialization student
  • Santiago Alarcón Estudiante de especialización



Data analysis, polarity, brand perception, direct selling


Direct catalog sales have proven to be a successful strategy in global markets, with Colombia standing out in this sector. Companies such as Azzorti have emerged as significant competitors, offering a wide range of products and establishing solid strategic alliances.

Azzorti's success is linked to the satisfaction and performance of its advisors, who serve as the direct link to consumers. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how the advisors perceive the brand and its products.

The primary objective is to provide Azzorti with a deeper understanding of the needs and perceptions of its advisors, enabling the adaptation of strategies that strengthen the relationship with its sales network and increase its competitiveness in the market.

The analysis, implemented through the VADER algorithm, has revealed that 60% of the responses are positive, reflecting the effectiveness of Azzorti's current strategies. However, 14% of negative responses indicate critical areas that require attention.

In conclusion, Azzorti should focus on the factors that generate dissatisfaction among its advisors, as these contribute to a negative perception. It is recommended to review the points and rewards system, as their quality and quantity can significantly affect the advisors' perception.


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