Analysis of the Impact of Memes and Shitposting on Brand Perception


  • Mario Fernando Trujillo Amaya Universidad Libre
  • Ernesto Arévalo Torres Universidad Libre de Colombia



Shitposting, Digital Technologies, Communication, Strategies, Digital Trends., Shitposting, Digital Technologies, Communication, Strategies, Digital Trends


Parallel to the dizzying pace of technological advancement, the sphere of communication is developing at an accelerated rate, giving rise to increasingly innovative marketing strategies. Among these strategies, a new way to foster interaction with consumers has emerged: shitposting. Based on the publication of sarcastic and irreverent content, it is considered a disruptive tactic but has proven effective in consolidating brands globally. Actions implemented by multinationals such as KFC and startups like Duolingo exemplify this new approach to communicating with a young audience through posts that challenge traditional standards. In this context, this research explored how this type of content connects with the audience, analyzed their real perceptions, and evaluated its impact on brand positioning in the consumers' Top of Mind. This led to an understanding of the importance that the "trash" post format can be effective in impacting brand recall and can also generate a positive image, as long as it is directed at the right audience. 


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