On the digital camp: Exploring the Challenges of Marketing and Emerging Technologies as Opportunities in the Football Field Rental Business in Colombia



  • Alejandro Bayona Cerón Estudiante




Alquiler de canchas, Fútbol, Estratégia de marketing


This article seeks to identify, through qualitative research, the reasons and foundations why football microentrepreneurs would or would not take advantage of new advertising trends such as digital marketing, emerging platforms, and technologies to expand their customer base in the field of sports venue rental, particularly soccer fields intended for amateur players. This situation deserves to be understood in a more detailed way. This research explores the dynamics, challenges, and perceptions influencing business decision-making to expand business exposure.


It seeks to identify the reasons that show the position of microentrepreneurs regarding digital marketing and the use of emerging solutions for this sector, among which some reasons were highlighted, such as the limitations of both financial and human resources, the lack of knowledge specialized in new technologies, the effectiveness and return on investment of these digital advertising strategies, and the fear of digital being understood as intangible.


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