Social and Environmental problems arising from hydroelectric projects


  • Iván Esteban Lara Cossio Universidad Nacional
  • José Alejandro Riaño Dueñas


Social Affectations: Environment; Magdalena-Cauca river basin; Colombia.


This article presents a documentary study on the social and environmental impact of the so-called clean and renewable energies in the Colombian context. The study is focused on the analysis of the effects of hydropower over settlements and surrounding environments in the Magdalena-Cauca river basin by identifying the compliance of the established normativity for the mitigation of the environmental impact in the proposed projects in the zone; comparing the affectations generated by the hydropower plants on the near communities and finally, determine the possible environmental problems caused by these projects. Data were gathered from legal framework, previous investigations and scientific papers. With the investigation it was possible to characterize the existence of different affectations on the surrounding communities while and after the development of energetic macro projects, therefore it became necessary to reformulate the way in which this type of initiatives are promoted and developed.


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