Perception, Homeless persons, Nursing CareAbstract
The economic and social conditions of homeless persons have repercussions on access to health services, and the quality of care received. Recognizing the perception of homeless persons helps to offer nursing care in a timely and complete way. Objective To describe the perception of the homeless persons about nursing care. Methodology Integrative review of descriptive and retrospective literature; The NursingOvid, Academic One File, Academic Report, PubMed and Scopus databases were searched. Twelve search equations were constructed from the combination of the descriptors: homeless people, social perceptions, nursing and nursing care. Results Thirty articles were selected and subjected to in-depth reading and analysis, obtaining the perceptions of homeless persons about nursing care. Conclusions The perception of the homeless persons about nursing care fluctuates because there are access barriers; Health professionals are unaware of the needs of this population and public policies are insufficient in terms of coverage and opportunity of health services, which have a direct impact on nursing care.
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