The Nurse Practitioner Role in United States of America within Transitional Care and Care Coordination Models


  • Ana Mola



nurse practitioner, transitional care, care coordination


coordination models which have been operationalized within targeted populations that have
fiscally reduced healthcare costs in the USA. A context of future globalization application of
these emerging models will be discussed.
Background The USA healthcare is complicated and the need for care coordination across
systems and providers is essential to maintain quality of care. NPs are ideally positioned to act
as leaders and clinicians both within and beyond the health care organization to deliver patient
centric transitional care and care coordination models in the heart failure, geriatrics, palliative
care and mental health populations.
Evaluation From the available research evidence, several support structures and mechanisms
are identified as enablers for NPs to enact their leadership role in transitional care and care
coordination models.


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How to Cite

The Nurse Practitioner Role in United States of America within Transitional Care and Care Coordination Models. (2018). Cultura, 15(2), 14-26.