Pattern of emancipatory knowledge and its contribution To the development of nursing knowledge


  • Erika Adriana Torres Hernández Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosi
  • Luis Antonio Martínez Gurrión Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosi



nursing research, emancipatory pattern, nursing theory


The research is a fundamental part of the development of nursing activities, and it is where the knowledge that con tributes to the advancement and development of the nursing discipline is generated, in which the contributions of the emancipatory knowledge pattern for this activity play relevant role given that it allows to visualize and attend through a critica[ look phenomena competent to the nursing that are not evidenced and that implies to take fair and equitable actions for the health care; in this sense, the tendency is positioned towards the generation and use of mid-range theories in nursing that account for the real and felt needs of the discipline. This paper aims to generate a reflection on the development of nursing knowledge and the benefits of the emancipatory knowledge pattern to contribute to it, based on the generation and / or application of midrange theories


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How to Cite

Pattern of emancipatory knowledge and its contribution To the development of nursing knowledge. (2017). Cultura, 14(1), 72-77.