Men's experiences during the pos heart attack and the presence of depressive states
acute myocardial infarction, men, depressionAbstract
Objective: To describe the experience of men in the acute myocardial infarction stage during the six (6) months of occurrence to identify the presence of symptoms that may suggest depression. Methodology: We designed a descriptive study with qualitative interpretive approach which analyzes the content of interviews with 8 men who have had the experience of an acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The sample consisted of theoretical saturation of the information obtained. Results: The analysis showed the existence of six categories: Fear of medical-hospital environment, unmet information needs, changes in living habits, perception of family concerns and feelings of inactivity or inability to perform everyday activities due to health status. Conclutions: A major finding in this study is that men present fewer depressive symptoms, or are not expressed since the manifestation of these feelings, can be considered as a sign of weakness.
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