Tertiary roads should be a trend within the Agro-Sciences for the development of the rural sector


  • Haimar Ariel Vega Serrano Universidad Libre Seccional Socorro


Cartographic update, Development indicator, Rolling surface


Tertiary roads are vital for the transport of products from the rural settlements to the population centers and vice versa, they are also necessary to access the education and health centers; in general, they allow the exchange of goods and services, however, their condition in many cases is inappropriate for traffic, especially in periods of rain due to lack of maintenance by local administrations, because of the limited economic resources, the great amount of roads, and the absence of organization and participation in the community. The outdated in the cartography of the network of tertiary roads adds to the situation, as it is not clear how many kilometers of road each municipality has. The roads and their status are an indicator of development for the regions and countries, therefore, it is important to guarantee resources and perform maintenance activities to ensure traffic in appropriate conditions of speed and comfort, being necessary the periodic cleaning of the lateral channels (ditches) and the sewers and their drains, since they are important structures to ensure the good condition of the running surfaces. Using digital media to update cartography in the municipalities must be within the local development plans. The achievement of resources at the national level should be a continuous strategy to build rural paved roads, which guarantee a good quality surface for a long time, aspect that allows a constant flow of raw materials to contribute to the development of the regions.


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How to Cite

Tertiary roads should be a trend within the Agro-Sciences for the development of the rural sector. (2020). El Centauro, 10(13), 103-112. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/centauro/article/view/6689