Optimization of the hydrographic basin information management through the use of computer tools.


  • Eslendy Alvarado Carrascal Universidad Libre
  • Carlos Duarte Santos Universidad Libre
  • Fabián Leonardo Yory Sanabria Universidad Libre


Computer tools, Watersheds, Administration of the information, Catabase


Central problem: The computer tools constitute an instrument of great importance in the tasks of environmental planning and ordination of the territory. With them it is possible to solve with more easiness complexes problems of assignment of activities to the territory, considering so much for it their intrinsic aptitude, as the possible environmental impact of a specific activity in that point of the area. Objective: To determine the potential use of computer tools in the processes of optimization of the administration of the environmental information of basins hidrografics. Methodology: By means of the summary of primary and secondary information of the microcuenca The García, of the municipality of THE Socorro-Santander, was generated the database like fundamental instrument for the prosecution and representation of the information. Later on he/she was carried out the respective transformation of formats with the purpose of executing the entrance and exit of data in the diverse computer tools. Finally the thematic one is evaluated normative to negotiate and it establishes the analysis of the execution of the same one in the study area. Results: It was determined by means of the statistical analysis of the SIG that exist 12 housings that incumplen with the vertimientos norm for the rural sector, where 8 of them pour the liquid residuals at herdsmen and the 4 remaining they make it to the gulches. 42 properties were identified with receptions of water without concession permission. Of the total of properties without concession permission 22 are of the Doddering sidewalk, 18 of the High sidewalk of Queens and 2 of the Cruz's High sidewalk. Conclusions: So that the SIG is tools for the taking of decisions these they should not only have an instrumental use but also interpretive. As tools in the taking of decisions, the SIG fulfills in a general way the requirements as much in the support as in the support in the taking of decisions, with more capacities of solving problems structured in the first case and problems not structured in the second.


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How to Cite

Optimization of the hydrographic basin information management through the use of computer tools. (2019). El Centauro, 9(12), 99-107. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/centauro/article/view/5836