Portable thermoelectric generator through the Seebeck effect – Peltier


  • Miguel Orlando Durán Rangel Universidad Libre
  • Angélica Juliana Mora Rangel Universidad Libre
  • Daniela Alejandra González Suárez Universidad Libre
  • Edgar Quintanilla Piña Universidad Libre


Batteries, Seebeck – Peltier effect, Electricity, Electrochemicals, Generator, Prototype, Thermoelectric


The batteries of common use, when discarded in open spaces are oxidized with the passage of the time its envelope is deteriorated releasing toxic components like Zinc, Cadmium and Magnesium to the near soils and to the bodies of superficial or subterranean water. The construction of a portable device, which generates electricity without using electrochemical processes is considered a beneficial impact on the environment, most of the batteries that are currently used, employ metals like: (Zn), (Ni), (Cd) and (Mg) which become a problem of contamination of soils and water sources.

This project sought the construction of a device that, using a temperature delta and the application of the effect Seebeck-Peltier, produced electric energy. For this, the design and construction of a prototype, that worked with hot water, ice and a Peltier plate was realized. Functional tests were done and using a multimeter the amounts of voltage and amperage produced were measured; finding that the thermal differential used was not enough to generate the required enough electricity, since, minimum voltages were produced which had no commercial viability.

The efficiencies obtained are equivalent to less than 1% depending on the amount of energy required and the quantity produced.



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How to Cite

Portable thermoelectric generator through the Seebeck effect – Peltier. (2019). El Centauro, 9(12), 37-43. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/centauro/article/view/5820