Indicadores academicos de deserción en Estudiantes de pregrado de la universidad libre - Seccional socorro


  • Sandra Liliana Cristancho Cruz Universidad Libre



Desertion, teaching strategy, intrinsic


This project aims to diagnose the academic factors involved in the dropping out of undergraduate students in the first three levels of formation at "Universidad Libre - Sectional Socorro", with a type of transversal correlational research. Since it will check whether the presence of certain factors or variables affect the behavior of others. This through objective statistical tests where the data collection and analysis of the same, will be made within a specific time period, in this case in the second half of the year 2016. As preliminary results, were found: the more common problematics presented by the students at the academic level, As well as the characterization of the study habits applied by the students, the activities to improve the academic performance, the identification of sorne strategies used by teachers to counteract this problem and the role played by teachers in these cases. Concluding that the University dropout is considered a very general problem in educational institutions; and that it is sti/1 needed to work on the factor that has to do with teaching strategies to reduce it.


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How to Cite

Cristancho Cruz, S. L. (2018). Indicadores academicos de deserción en Estudiantes de pregrado de la universidad libre - Seccional socorro. El Centauro, 7(10), 19-28.