La descentralización y autonomía De los municipios Proceso incompleto o desigual


  • Víctor Manuel Ribero Meléndez Universidad Libre
  • Leonel Ricardo Quirós Pinto Universidad Libre



Decentralization, autonomy, efficiency, corruption


The end of the decentralization, it is that the needs of the population are known, attended and solved in an opportune way by the administration, and that better way of achieving it if it is effected by the governmental entity that is more near the persons and that is competent to attend with efficiency and efficiency to the population. The process of decentralization in Colombia still is in stage of evolution and one of the major obstacles that he has found to develop is the corruption. The decentralization is conceived as an incomplete process by big deficiencies as for the equality in the assistance of the services and on the harmony between the local, regional and national needs. In Colombia, the fiscal and administrative decentralization initiates in the 80s emphasizing like pioneering of the same mayors' popular election in 1986, but only it is specified openly in the Constitution of 1991. 23 years have happened and still it is not fulfilled by the aims of the decentralization, there being expressed a new centralist preference, which is imputed to the inaccuracy of the procedure and to administrative disadvantages, but that more it has to see with the disability of the leaders to effect the labors that competen to satisfy the needs of the population and in many cases are summarized in that economically untenable entities exist.


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How to Cite

La descentralización y autonomía De los municipios Proceso incompleto o desigual. (2016). El Centauro, 8(11), 111-124.