Caracterización física y microbiológica de un suelo contaminado por residuos líquidos de café.
Coffee, ecosystem, organism, parameters, pollution, soilAbstract
Improper handling of the products generated in the process of coffee cultivation generates large-scale negative impacts on the coffee ecosystem, affecting both soil and air and water. The two main products of coffee are generated during the process and ecological benefits of the fruit are the pulp and mucilage. The stated goal in this project is to characterize the physical and microbiological parameters of soil contaminated liquid waste coffee for later electrokinetic bioremediation. The research project was conducted in the MaSBEK in La Hacienda Majavita owned by the Free University in Socorro Santander located at an elevation of 1379 m above mean sea level, with an average temperature of 24 oC, to E1091.338, N1207.603. Among the main results the characteristics of the O and A strata, the bacteria count and physical characteristics of surface water were found. It can be concluded that the horizon obtained a gravel content of 1.19% over the organic horizon, which had absence of this material therefore can be said that the first horizon has a greater drain, lower porosity and therefore a decreased ability to retain ions and the colonies present in each sample plantings were maintained in a range of 1.5 to 3 CFU CFU. Although the pH did not show any variation, the sample No. 2 obtained no growth of bacteria, which could be due to the dilution performed for planting, which was 1: 1,000,000.
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Caracterización física y microbiológica de un suelo contaminado por residuos líquidos de café. Rodríguez, J. Vásquez, M. (2013) Evaluación de la electroremediación de Andisoles contaminados, mediante el análisis de las soluciones de lavado. Universitas Cientiarum. Volumen VIII. Colombia. Pág.15