Análisis para el posicionamiento de la marca café Majavita en las seccionales de la Universidad Libre de Bogotá y El Socorro Santander
Attributes, Benefits, Model, Organic CoffeeAbstract
This document addresses the need to position the Café Majavita brand for its potential of growth in the sector of organic coffee. Café Majavita is produced in the Majavita Hacienda owned by Universidad Libre and it is currently marketed to the sectional of the University across the country for consumption among teachers, administrators and managers. This project aims to measure the current positioning of the Café Majavita brand for its subsequent consumption to the sectionals of Bogotá and Socorro-Santander of the Universidad Libre. For this, the research was of descriptive type, conformed by three stages: identification of the current positioning of the brand Café Majavita, look into preferences on coffee consumption and identify the attributes of coffee differentiable from other brands in the market. Also, the research Identified attributes of the brand that cause the consumption of the product, they are quality, flavor and aroma, within the functional and emotional benefits of the brand Café Majavita highlights the beneficial aspects for health and its characteristic of natural product.
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